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Optimize Your Ketamine Journey: A Treatment Guide


The onset of ketamine therapy marks the start of a new journey. This phase in therapy is about setting the stage for the transformative experience to come. It's time for introspection, setting goals, and planting seeds for what we wish to manifest.

Set Your Intention

  • Start by finding a quiet space, free from distractions.

  • Close your eyes and take in several deep breaths.

  • Consider what you truly need; clarity, strength, patience, or any other aspiration.

  • Visualize how achieving this feels

  • Distill your vision into a clear, concise statement.

  • Repeat the statement silently or aloud.

  • Internalize the intention by repeating it to yourself and allow it to permeate your thoughts and emotions.

  • Over time, revisit and reaffirm your intention, using it as a guide for your actions and decisions.

Eat Clean & Hydrate

  • Eat clean: whole, unprocessed foods.

  • Avoid heavy meals; opt for a light meal a few hours before.

  • Stay well-hydrated for better ketamine processing and cellular function.

  • Avoid alcohol, benzodiazepines, and marijuana, as they can interfere with the ketamine experience.

Post-Session Planning

  • Foster reflection, comfort and safety.

  • Plan for adequate rest; avoid immediate responsibilities or decisions.

  • Have a trusted therapist, friend, or family member to debrief with.

  • Ensure you have a ride home, do not drive yourself.

  • Set aside quiet time for mediation, journaling, or grounding activities in the following days.

To optimize your ketamine journey, consider reading through the treatment guide, which details the four phases of ketamine treatment. By understanding the phases, you can maximize therapeutic benefits, ensure a smoother experience, and effectively integrate insights into your daily life for long-lasting impact.


A time to set intentions to ensure a successful therapeutic experience.

The Journey

This phase is about taking action by facing challenges and pushing forward during treatment.


Time to reflect and gain clarity as you delve into understanding the insights and experiences from the infusion


Grounding and consolidating the insights into your daily life, ensuring long-lasting benefits.

The Journey

The phase is about building momentum, facing challenges, and pushing forward. Active participation and engagement is important during this time. Patients might start to notice changes, confront past traumas, or face the discomfort that often comes with growth.

Conscious Engagement

  • Focus on positive, healing thoughts and emotions.

  • Revisit and re-frame traumatic memories safely.

  • Ketamine promotes the brains ability to reorganize synaptic connections.

  • Neurons that fire together, wire together - repeated activation strengthens neural connections.

  • Actively participate in the experience setting clear intentions

  • Use guided therapeutic techniques to shape healthier neural patterns.

Meditation & Mindfulness

  • Cultivate a deeper connection with oneself.

  • Quiet the mind and manage stress

  • Enhance introspection and neural plasticity.

  • Anchor emotions and process experiences clearly.

  • Synergistically enhance well-being and personal growth.

  • Start or deepen meditation and mindfulness practices during ketamine sessions.


A time to acknowledge achievements and release what no longer serves us. Midway or post-therapy, patients can recognize and celebrate the progress they've made - whether it's newfound relief, clarity, or emotional release. Simultaneously, it's essential to acknowledge and let go of any residual pain or negative patterns, embracing the healing journey's duality.

Acknowledge & Release

  • Ketamine therapy offers a profound space for introspection, making it an opportune moment to recognize achievements and let go of burdensome attachments.

  • Individuals often gain heightened clarity on their life's journey. This clarity provides a unique vantage point to acknowledge accomplishments, and celebrate the resilience and growth they signify.

  • A deepened awareness of beliefs, behaviors, or past experiences that have become impediments to one's growth, allowing for a conscious release, shedding what no longer serves a purpose or supports well-being.

  • Actively engage in the process of acknowledgement and release during therapy to catalyze transformative shifts, move forward with a lighter heart and clearer sense of purpose.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

  • Is an innovative approach that combines the psychotropic effects of ketamine with therapeutic potential of psychotherapy. 

  • KAP leverages the altered state of consciousness to access and process deeply buried emotions, traumas, and memories. 

  • As ketamine promotes neuroplasticity, the brain becomes more malleable during sessions, facilitating deeper introspection and the potential for profound shifts in cognition and emotion. In this receptive state, therapists can guide patients through targeted therapeutic interventions, allowing them to address and reframe past traumas or entrenched beliefs. 

  • This approach, provides a unique and potent avenue for healing, often achieving breakthroughs that might take years in conventional therapy settings.


  • Working alongside a therapist during your ketamine journey provides a structured, safe environment to unpack experiences.

  • The guidance and support helps you process intense emotions and insights, aiding in discerning meaning, establish connections, and integrating insights into your daily life.

  • The therapeutic alliance acts as an anchor, ensuring that individuals feel supported, validated, and understood throughout their ketamine journey. 

  • A therapist acts as a both a guide and confidante, essential for maximizing the therapeutic potential and holistic integration of the ketamine experience.


As therapy sessions conclude, it's time for patients to reflect on their journey, process their experiences, and rest. This phase emphasizes the importance of integration - understanding and assimilating the insights gained during therapy to ensure long-lasting benefits and preparedness for furture challenges.

Integration is the deliberate process of weaving insights, revelations, and experiences from transformative sessions, like ketamine therapy, into the fabric of one's daily life. It's the bridge that connects profound episodic realizations to sustained personal growth and well-being. After ketamine therapy sessions, the mind often brims with fresh perspectives, emotions, or memories.

Journal Regularly

Documenting feelings, thoughts, and insights helps in understanding and retaining the depth of the experience.

Seek Professional Guidance

Engage with a therapist or counselor skilled in integration to help process and interpret the nuances of your journey.

Mindfulness Practices

Meditation or reflective practices can reinforce the connection with the self, aiding in assimilation of experiences.

Join Support Groups

Sharing and listening to others' experiences in integration circles or support groups can offer valuable insights and camaraderie. Join Luna's weekly integration circle >

Set Aside Quiet Time

Dedicate periods for introspection, allowing yourself to fully digest and reflect upon the therapy session's revelations.

Implement Behavioral Changes

Act on the insights you've gained, whether that means mending relationships, adjusting life goals, or adopting healthier habits.

Stay Patient and Kind

Integration is an ongoing journey; be compassionate with yourself as you navigate the challenges and joys of weaving your insights into everyday life.

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